According to the crew of Maleza Records, a super cool label based in Buenos Aires, this is “one of the most expected releases” on their platform. They claim having “received a space-pigeon from Leeds (UK)” provided by their dear friend MYR, leader of Peaky Beats and part of their European artist roster. “Syrus EP”, their eighth release and the first in 2020, brings four original Minimal/Deep House tracks with hand-made electronic drums, groovy synth-basses and funky high harmonic pads. But that’s not all: The EP also delivers two stunning remixes by Gabriel Ferreira and DJ Braver, who enriched the release with their signature sounds.
The title track, the chosen one to be premiered, opens the journey with some playful vintage video-game FXs that work as an introduction to frisky breakbeats, which are beautifully topped with a proper Deep House atmosphere provided by rhythmic percussive elements and smooth synth pads. And we could not finish our review without answering the question made in the lyrics of the song: Yes, we can dig it! And yes, we dug this track A LOT!
Special credits to Gabriel Perez Novoa (the one & only Balam) for the mastering and to Cuernolobo for the artwork.
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Beatport page of the label.