Alphonse Lanza III, former member of the acclaimed Canadian music group Azari & III and currently part of the beloved-by-all duo Ali X X Ximena (SXDNS070), needs no introduction. Everyone connected to high-quality electronic music knows who Alixander III is. Passific Assalt, in turn, may be in need of some storytelling – but not a long one: P.A. is Ali’s new moniker for his out-of-the-box Techno output, having appeared on Iptameno Discos and Controlla so far – and yeah, the double “ass” is intentional.
For his forthcoming chapter, Mr. Assalt partnered with skilled Toronto-based House & Techno producer Terence Kissner: “I think life is about connecting the dots, and that there is a thread running through all our lives, and when you can figure out what that thread is, (…) that’s what your purpose is, really, in life. Are you in the process of connecting the dots? Pay attention, they’re everywhere”, says part of the lyrics of the single.
“Dots” expresses its message not only with words but also with distorted elements and a vibrant attitude. Acid riffs and metallic percussions set the tone of this complex piece. And something tells us that complexity is going to be extremely present within Passific Assalt’s endeavours. Looking forward!
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label.
Follow Ali X aka Passific Assalt, Terence Kissner and Controlla, peeps!