
427 // Leo Schick

Leo Schick, the fourth dinosaur from the left to the right, has just landed on Earth with lots of fresh cosmic gems in her bag of tricks.

Leo stepped into the DJ scene one year ago after completing a FLINTA* DJ Workshop by Donna Decks in Vienna. But despite her short time in the field, it feels like she’s been DJing for a dino-decade. Her energy has taken her behind the decks at Melt Festival in Germany, Mystic Creatures Festival in Poland, and mainly clubs & bars in Vienna auch as Sass Music Club & Flucc. An Indie Dance girl at heart, Leo’s sets blend Dark Disco, Italo, and classic Disco beats; a vibe that even creatures from another time and space cannot resist. Of course, Leo’s passion goes beyond dinosaurs – she’s also dedicated to promoting environmental awareness at festivals as part of the Worldtrash Foundation.

FYI: FLINTA* is a German abbreviation that stands for “Frauen, Lesben, Intergeschlechtliche, Nichtbinäre, Trans und Agender Personen”, meaning women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people. The asterisk represents all non-binary gender identities. To explicitly include queer individuals, the term FLINTAQ is sometimes used, expanding on the FLINTA acronym.

Follow Leo Schick, peeps!

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