
Have fun with our curated selection of DJ sets provided not only by established artists but also by rising young talents from all over the world.

436 // Sophia Wach
Sophia Wach held no punches for her striking appearance in our mixtape series!
Pic by Nitprod
Christie's magnificent selection is all we need for a reinvigorating start to the week!
433 // crystal crimez
Hands up! Rising & shining crystal crimez is in da haus with a frenzied collection of B-A-N-G-E-R-S!
432 // Gigi Croccante
We kick off our 2025 season with a crunchy and savoury selection by Italian DJ and producer Gigi Croccante. Have fun! =D
431 // Jay-Son
Jay-Son is back on our platform, this time with a stunning roster of precious vinyl-only gems!
429 // ANKA (NZ)
Hailing from Down Under, French DJ ANKA (NZ) has a bag of goodies for your delight!
428 // Vickies
Another rising selector lands on our mixtape series. Ladies & gentlemen, welcome Vickies.
427 // Leo Schick
Leo Schick, the fourth dinosaur from the left to the right, has just landed on Earth with lots of fresh cosmic gems in her bag of tricks.
426 // Cris Sinaka
We discovered Cris Sinaka by accident while browsing on SoundCloud in search of a daring mixtape to kill our boredom. We found hers and now we have an exclusive selection from Cris to call our own!
424 // Maltitz
Acclaimed artist Maltitz lands on our platform with a pure-energy selection!
423 // AMAYO
Inspired by the seasonal shift of late September, AMAYO delivers a dynamic set that flows from melodic, kicking old-school House to the 90s Progressive Trance she loves so much. The perfect soundtrack for your transition into fall!
422 // Lena Brysch
German DJ Lena Brysch told us a beautiful story through the eclectic selection she kindly prepared for our delight. Enjoy!
421 // Ella Stracciatella
Hailing from a galaxy far, far away, Ella Stracciatella put together a stunning selection filled with glittery cosmic dust.
420 // Shimanski
Berlin-based diva Shimanski put on her dancing shoes while recording this mixtape. Do the same while listening to it.
419 // Jannis Brinkmann
Rising & shining German artist Jannis Brinkmann gathered some gems for our mixtape series. Have fun!
Pic by Ilkay Karakurt
Jakob Mäder invites us for a journey through his favourite tracks of the moment. A proper House Music Masterclass, that's what we got. Enjoy!
Pic by Richard Arthur
Is it an aeroplane? It's Miss Zagato driving a DeTomaso Black Pantera fast through the streets of London at midnight. This is a seductive chill and dance mix for lovers of analog Dark Disco and Indie Dance. Tension between Miss Zagato's quip and Globe Master's accusations creates a story to dance to in this nightclub lover's quarrel!
416 // Brahmski
For her debut on our platform, Brahmski dug into her Summer & Deep House collection and let the sunshine in!
415 // Josiane
Meet Josiane, a rising & shining Congo-born, Germany-based DJ, and her flawless House-meets-Techno sonority.
414 // Kate Pending
Kate Pending turned her brilliant "Pigmented Reality" into a brilliant mixtape. Savour the moment!
413 // Ludviq
Bonkers's big honcho finally embarks on our spaceship! Ludviq, ladies & gentlemen!
Pic by Claire Auffret
You should add Blutch to your "artists to watch" list. The respected French virtuoso finally lands on our mixtape series with an eclectic and cosmic selection.
411 // Kunstlicht
Promising German DJ Kunstlicht cooked a savoury concoction for our delight!
410 // Anne Hou
This upbeat and groovy selection rising & shining selector Anne Hou prepared for us is pure bliss!
409 // SK LIBRA
Rising Frankfurt-based heroine SK LIBRA finally gives us the privilege of having her on board our mixtape series.
408 // Sylvia OTM
Sylvia OTM prepared a splendid zero-gravity acid experience for our mixtape series. Enjoy!
406 // Phoebe
This beautiful selection made with love by Phoebe is pure bliss! Enjoy!
405 // Stella Galactica
It took us more than 2 years to get her on board - it was worth waiting! Stella Galactica, ladies & gentlemen!
404 // JuNe
Rising South Korean selector JuNe created a vibrant sonority experience for our delight.
401 // Roswell Brothers
We start our 2024 mixtape series with a vibrant selection of the beloved Mexican duo Roswell Brothers!
399 // Miss E
Swedish selector Miss E prepared a savour-the-moment mix for our delight!
Pic by @_anglemort
Intriguing Mystery Kid lands on our mixtape series with a superb selection!
397 // FLAX
This organic and electronic experimental mix by German artist FLAX is all you need today.
396 // gili
Upbeat. Eclectic. Groovy. The list of accolades for gili's appearance in our mixtape series can easily go much longer, but you already understood where we are going.
395 // Laure
Let's go Techno, shall we? Laure, ladies & gentlemen!
394 // alex&tony
German duo alex&tony kindly prepared a groovy and upbeat selection for our delight!
391 // BRDN
We present you Indonesian artist BRDN and her cosmic darkness-meets-groovy sonority.
389 // Plexi Glass
After debuting on our platform with a stunning Italo Disco beast for our FREEDL series, the French duo Plexi Glass delivers now a taste of what they can do on a dance floor.
388 // Le Saint
“Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, just exuberance”. An Anne Sexton's quote to introduce Le Saint, ladies & gentlemen.
Pic by Coco Villosa
We proudly welcome Leipzig-based artist ANKA to our mixtape series.
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