Hailing from Moscow, Russia, Spazio brings to life the third parcel of its interesting discography. After kicking off the game by pulling a colourful twelve-track VA to showcase its intended sonority – soundtracks for night trips, space flights, and club nights –, the label presented not one but two EPs in a row by Pavel Fedoseev aka KIKOK: “Cacao Beach”, released in November last year, and the super fresh “Intuitive Driving”.
Nothing better than having specific intel about the EP straight from the horse’s mouth: “As a simple fact, this release probably has the longest history of creation. I mean compared to my other work. And I don’t really remember all the details anymore. There’s been a lot of changes in sound and titles.” Something that happens with itchy creative minds, right? Pavel also said he maybe “wanted to create something like a soundtrack to an old skool action film or sci-fi.” We could say he succeeded: We don’t see why the themes would not fit snugly into a Christopher Nolan, Joseph Kosinski or Denis Villeneuve movie, for instance.
Premiered here, “Heavenly Drop” is a retro-infused beast, a true synth extravaganza filled with deep leads, melodic chords, and stark stabs, topping a throbbing and intense bassline – elements which sprang the most enticing cut of the release, in our humble opinion.
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label.