
002 // Luca Vera – Red M

Our second premiere features Luca Vera's latest release on the influential label Sprechen.

Our second premiere is also the second release of the Italian DJ and producer Luca Vera on the solid British label Sprechen, whose definition for the entire release – “a 3 tracker of late night ‘cosmic-disco-house with a bit of almost techno & noir balearica pop’ style jams” – makes you get excited in trying these gems on the dance floor.

Red M, the track we chose to premiere, “opens up the party gates and sounds like it jumped ship from a lost 80’s sci-fi flick that was dreamt up in Baldelli’s Cosmic Club back in early 80s Italy”, according to the label boss, Chris Massey.

Luca himself said the track wasn’t born for a specific reason or in a particular moment, it was born one day in his studio while he was trying some instruments and was looking for sounds belonging to the 80s. And he succeeded! Red M’s sonority is quite retro, but definitely modern. “Warped synth sounds, rat-a-tat-tat percussion & chords that sound like they’ve been lifted from a Claudio Simonetti soundtrack”, adds Chris.

Luca claims these sounds have accompanied him throughout his life and musical path, and he tried to fuse different ideas that he had in mind and to bring together different styles and genres, that’s how Red M came out.

You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label.

Follow Luca Vera & Sprechen, peeps!

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