
444 // Cannibal Coconuts – Stargate

Another solid appearance of the now solo project Cannibal Coconuts on Espacio Cielo.

Cannibal Coconuts strike again!

It sounds like a headline in a British tabloid or the title of an 80s trash horror movie, but those familiar with the Indie Dance/Dark Disco scene know exactly what’s going on here. Flying solo this time, inasmuch as Cannibal Coconuts is not a duo anymore, Angel Piña”, also known as “Dubman F., brings to life “Above The End”, a three-original EP coming soon on the label he can call home: the Spanish powerhouse Espacio Cielo expertly curated by our dear friend master Parissior (SXDNS206/FREEDL043/BANDCAMP002).

Using old & new influences, Angel manages to deliver something completely different from his output as Dubman F, through which House and Minimal cuts are poured. Darkness allied with groove sets the mood of the Cannibal Coconuts’ sonority – and even alone he managed to keep this aura untouched.

Premiered here, “Stargate” hits hard when it comes to delivering cosmic vibes to the dance floor. Trippy and well-conceived, the theme develops its pizzazz via elegant arpeggios, progressive leads, pacing percussive elements, and a dynamic bassline. A must-have!

You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label.

Follow Cannibal Coconuts and Espacio Cielo, peeps!

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