Hermano Poulper (SXDNS146) makes his debut on the beloved German label Emerald & Doreen, curated by The Robot Scientists (SXDNS028), with a gripping 6-track EP: Two beautiful originals and four enthralling remixes provided by some of the finest artists of the so-called Indie Dance/Dark Disco scene: “Ciclo” receiving an interesting indie version by French Id!r (Mange Moi Records) and a minimal interpretation by Argentinian DJ Braver (Maleza Records); and “Consecuencias” deriving a percussive, organic and weird interpretation by Argentinian Martin Noise (SXDNS143/Playground Records) and a space rock-ish version by Mexican Corresponsal (Maleante Records).
We chose the latter to review, and it is a bomb, peeps! Corresponsal revisioned “Consecuencias” and branded it with his characteristic style, faithful to his Mexican roots, yes, but taking the theme to a journey through a cosmic reality, adding a robotic vocal and laser-like FXs influenced by science fiction series, resulting in a compelling retro-futuristic sonority.
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Beatport page of the label.
Follow Poulper, Corresponsal & Emerald & Doreen, peeps!