
178 // GuzzX

We present you young Mexican DJ/producer GuzzX, one of the secret weapons of Controlla. The lad likes obscure and dark sounds, for your information.

Roberto Guzman aka GuzzX, originally from the city of Oaxaca (Mexico), begins his DJ/Producer career in 2018, focusing on Slow Techno and Dark Disco, with a characteristic sonority very different from what you can hear today. He has collaborated with different international and national labels. His latest EP – YCYN – was released on VENENO, a record label based in Mexico City, and he was recently added to the CONTROLLA record label roster. As a DJ, he has already played along with great artists such as Ali X X Ximena, Fausto, Shubostar, Younger Than Me, Alejandro Molinari, Local Suicide, Mijo, just to name a few.

Follow GuzzX, peeps!

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