Last week, during a conversation with Markus Schneider, one of the bosses of the dear label Emerald & Doreen, we ended up asking if he had “something awesome” to be premiered on our platform. He laughed, but eventually spilled the beans: Next Panthera’s release. The EP brings “two cosmic electronic gems that were beamed right into 2019 by time travellers who visited the year 1978. In the vein of French electronic pioneers from the 1970s like Jean-Pierre Massiera and Frédéric Mercier who paved the way with their avant-garde compositions for Daft Punk’s Electronic Disco revival, but also for House and Techno in general. The second banger release of Panthera on E&D after his debut earlier this year with the smash hit ‘Solari'”.
We were given ‘Electricite De France – Part 1’ to premiere, “a classic French cosmic electronic track in the tradition of the 70s pioneers like Frederic Mercier, Space, Space Art and Jacno”, said Markus. Definitely, the “something awesome” we were looking for.
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Beatport page of the label.
Follow Panthera & Emerald & Doreen, peeps!