After kicking off 2022 with “The Annual Compilation: 2021”, featuring some of the finest tunes from its last year’s releases, Espacio Cielo brings to light “Unreachable”, the first EP of the Spanish powerhouse in the current orbit. Fruit of the creative mind of Durango-based producer Barko in partnership with singer Damien Karras, the EP brings three original cuts that trigger proper 80s vibes – especially because of Damien’s Bowie-like striking voice. The Synthpop meets Post-Punk concoction results in a retro but fresh sonority, rather different from Barko’s previous works on Emerald & Doreen, Nein Records and Espacio Cielo itself.
The track we were solicited to premiere/review, “Our Days Are Over”, brings Barko & Damien successfully flirting with their gothic influences and delivering a beautiful darkness-infused theme with a throbbing Joy Division/The Cure-inspired bassline, sinister FXs and Ziggy-styled vocals as highlights.
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Beatport page of the label.
Follow Barko & Espacio Cielo, peeps!