The rising Spanish label Banshees Records summons the dark powers once again, this time to bring to life a six-headed beast devoted to bringing chaos and destruction to mankind and putting sinners out of their misery. Its master, Siarem, brought together his gloomiest and mistiest influences to create such an apocalyptic creature.
Jokes aside, the EP title couldn’t be different: “Dystopia” is defined as “an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic”. Suitable, given its EBM-meets-Industrial-meets-Cold-Wave-meets-Electro-cataclysm atmosphere.
The track we were solicited to premiere is the only remix on board: Dark Vektor’s take on “Deshumanized” offers a minimalistic interpretation based on the direct and punchy sonority of the good ol’ 90s Electro, turning his version the less darkness-infused of the release.
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label.