Released in February this year, Stylic’s whimsically named “PoPoPoPom” EP marked the debut of the skilled Madrid-based producer on the super cool British outlet Paisley Dark Records. Guess what? “PoPo” is back! This time in its remix attire featuring elaborated interpretations made with love by a super team of collaborators. Embarked: Cosmikuro, Keith Forrester, Högt I Tak (SXDNS179), Mindbender, Jay-Son, and Sir John Paynter aka A Space Age Freak Out (SXDNS123), the label Prime Minister himself, came up with insightful interpretations from the already well-constructed originals.
If “Like This” was the chosen one for our previous review, we now give a go on one of the versions of the title track. More specifically, Jay-Son’s remix: Differently from Stylic’s frolic 90s-infused concoction, Jay experiments with a dark EBM-wrapped strain filled with throbbing arpeggios, malicious synth leads, and a striking acid layer. For those who like to dance and sing along, the lyrics: “PoPoPoPom/ PoPoPoPom”! We love it!
You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label.
Follow Stylic and Paisley Dark, peeps!